0); else unset($userid); switch ($sortfield) { case 'mhz': case 'fsb': case 'vcore': case 'graka_gpu': case 'graka_mem': case 'vmem': case 'cpu_brand': case 'cpu_family': case 'cpu_stepping': break; default: $sortfield=""; } if($sortorder !="desc") {$sortx = "desc"; $sortorder="";} else $sortx = ""; $url = "cpudb.php?userid=$userid&sortorder=$sortx&pagenumber=$pagenumber"; if($sortfield) $order = "$sortfield $sortorder"; if($ocingid>0) // computer details { $temp="detail"; $benchesid = "all"; $where = "and cpudb_ocing.ocingid = $ocingid "; } else $temp = "list"; if(!$benchesid) $showbenches = "0"; else { $showbenches = "yes"; } $bencheslinks =""; if($username) { list($userid) = $DB_site->query_first("select userid from user where username = '".addslashes($username)."'",false); $userid = intval($userid); } debug("laaaa".$benches[sdesc]); if(isset($userid)) $where .= " and cpudb_comp.userid = ".intval($userid); if(isset($coolid)) $where .= " and cpudb_ocing.coolid = ".intval($coolid); if(isset($showbenches) && $showbenches == "yes") { $join .= "left join cpudb_bench on (cpudb_bench.ocingid = cpudb_ocing.ocingid) left join cpudb_benches using(benchesid)"; $select .= "cpudb_benches.title as benchtitle, cpudb_benches.url as benchesurl, cpudb_bench.*, "; $order .= ", cpudb_benches.title"; } list($results) = $DB_site->query_first("select count(*) from cpudb_comp left join cpudb_ocing using (compid) $join where 1=1 $where and hidden=0",false); $perpage = 20; if($pagenumber<1) $pagenumber =1; if(isset($userid)) $nav= getpagenav($results,"cpudb.php?action=viewcomps&userid=$userid&sortfield=$sortfield&sortorder=$sortx&pagenumber="); elseif(isset($benchesid)) $nav= getpagenav($results,"cpudb.php?action=viewcomps&benchesid=$benchesid&sortfield=$sortfield&sortorder=$sortx&pagenumber="); else $nav= getpagenav($results,"cpudb.php?action=viewcomps&sortfield=$sortfield&sortorder=$sortx&pagenumber="); $res = $DB_site->query("select cpudb_cool.title as cooltitle, cpudb_ocing.*, cpudb_ocing.comment as ccomment, cpudb_comp.*, oc2.mhz as basemhz, $select user.username from cpudb_comp left join user using(userid) left join cpudb_ocing on (cpudb_comp.compid = cpudb_ocing.compid) left join cpudb_cool using (coolid) $join left join cpudb_ocing as oc2 on (oc2.compid = cpudb_ocing.compid and oc2.isbase =1) where 1=1 $where and cpudb_ocing.hidden=0 order by $order LIMIT ".($pagenumber-1)*$perpage.", $perpage"); $cpubits = ""; eval("\$body .= \"".gettemplate("cpudb_${temp}_header")."\";"); $count =0; while ($_ = $DB_site->fetch_array($res)) { if(!$_[isbase]) $baseclock = $_[basemhz]." @ "; else $baseclock = ""; // if($_[isbase]) $baseclock = ""; // if($_[ocingid] =="") $baseclock = "---"; $editbutton = ""; if($_[userid] == $bbuserinfo[userid] || $bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == 6) { if($temp=="list") if($_[ocingid] >0 && $_[isbase]) { $editbutton = " Overclock! "; $editbutton .= " | Edit |"; } else { if($_[ocingid] >0) $editbutton = "Edit |"; else $editbutton = "Edit |"; } else $editbutton2 = "\"Edit\""; if($_[ocingid] >0) { $editbutton .= " Add Benchmark"; if($_[benchid] >0) $editbutton .= " | Edit this Benchmark"; } } if(isset($showbenches) && $showbenches == "yes") { if($_[benchtitle]) $_[benchmark] = " $_[benchtitle]: $_[result]";// (details)"; else $_[benchmark] = "-"; } else $_[benchmark] = "details"; if($_[hidden]==0) { $color = ($num++ % 2) ? '{secondaltcolor}' : '{firstaltcolor}'; if($num ==1) eval("\$body .= \"".gettemplate("cpudb_${temp}_cpubit_first")."\";"); eval("\$body .= \"".gettemplate("cpudb_${temp}_cpubit")."\";"); } // if($_[isbase]) $baseclock = "$_[mhz]@"; } $window = pagewindow("Computers",$body,"{contenttablewidth}",'left','main_pagewindow_multi'); eval("dooutput(\"".gettemplate("cpudb_$temp")."\");"); } /************ BENCHMARKING ***************************/ if($_POST[deletebench] == "yes" && $SUBMIT == "Delete Now") { // delete bench if(isset($benchid) && $deletebench == "yes") { $benchid = intval($benchid); $comp_ = $DB_site->query_first("select cpudb_bench.* from cpudb_bench left join cpudb_ocing using(ocingid) left join cpudb_comp using(compid) where benchid = $benchid and (userid = $bbuserinfo[userid] or $bbuserinfo[usergroupid] = 6)"); if($comp_[benchid] == $benchid) { $DB_site->query("DELETE from cpudb_bench where benchid = $benchid"); // Update cache for mainpage $benches = $DB_site->query_first("select * from cpudb_benches where benchesid = '$comp_[benchesid]'"); $DB_site->query("replace into cpudb_cache select benchid,cpudb_benches.benchesid, cpudb_benches.title as benchestitle, cpudb_bench.ocingid, result, cpudb_bench.comment, cpudb_ocing.compid, coolid, mhz, fsb, vcore, ram, cpudb_comp.title, cpu_brand, cpu_family, cpu_stepping, username from cpudb_comp left join user using(userid) left join cpudb_ocing on (cpudb_comp.compid = cpudb_ocing.compid) left join cpudb_bench using(ocingid) left join cpudb_benches on (cpudb_benches.benchesid = cpudb_bench.benchesid) where cpudb_bench.benchesid = $benches[benchesid] and cpudb_comp.userid >0 order by result ".(($benches[sdesc]) ? "DESC":"")." LIMIT 1"); } else show_nopermission(); } standardredirect("Delete complete - you are now taken to the Stats page","cpudb.php"); exit; } if($action == "editbench") { if(! $bbuserinfo[userid]>0) { show_nopermission(); exit; } // display editcomp if(isset($benchid)) { $benchid = intval($benchid); $comp = $DB_site->query_first("select cpudb_comp.*, cpudb_ocing.comment as ccomment,cpudb_ocing.*, cpudb_bench.* from cpudb_bench left join cpudb_ocing using(ocingid) left join cpudb_comp using(compid) where benchid = $benchid and (userid = $bbuserinfo[userid] or $bbuserinfo[usergroupid] = 6)"); $compid = $comp[compid]; $ocingid = $ocing[ocingid]; if($comp[benchid] == $benchid) $addedit = "Edit"; else show_nopermission(); } else { $ocingid = intval($ocingid); $comp = $DB_site->query_first("select cpudb_comp.*, cpudb_ocing.comment as ccomment, cpudb_ocing.*, '' as comment from cpudb_ocing left join cpudb_comp using(compid) where ocingid = $ocingid and (userid = $bbuserinfo[userid] or $bbuserinfo[usergroupid] = 6)"); if($comp[ocingid] == $ocingid) $addedit = "New"; else show_nopermission(); } $formdata = ""; $formdata .= gethiddencode("compid",$compid); $formdata .= gethiddencode("s",$session[sessionid]); $formdata .= gethiddencode("action","doeditbench"); $formdata .= getlabelcode("General Information"); $formdata .= gettextcode("Name of your computer","Many g33ks tend to give their computers names - do you","comp[title]",$comp[title]); $formdata .= gettextcode("Brand of your CPU","Intel, Amd, ...","comp[cpu_brand]",$comp[cpu_brand]); $formdata .= gettextcode("Family of your CPU","e.g. Athlon XP, Pentium 4, ...","comp[cpu_family]",$comp[cpu_family]); $formdata .= gettextcode("Stepping / FPO#","e.g. AXIA (AMD), 3149A787 (Intel)","comp[cpu_stepping]",$comp[cpu_stepping]); $formdata .= gettextcode("Graphics Card","","comp[graka]",$comp[graka]); $formdata .= gettextcode("Motherboard","","comp[mobo]",$comp[mobo]); $formdata .= gettextcode("Power Supply","","comp[netzteil]",$comp[netzteil]); $formdata .= gettextcode("Memory","","comp[ram]",$comp[ram]); $formdata .= gethiddencode("ocingid",$ocingid); if(($comp[ocingid] >0 && $comp[isbase]==0)) $formdata .= getlabelcode("Overclocking"); else $formdata .= getlabelcode("Stock Speed"); $formdata .= gettextcode("Clock Speed","in MHz","ocing[mhz]",$comp[mhz]); $formdata .= gettextcode("Voltage (VCore)","in volts","ocing[vcore]",$comp[vcore]); $formdata .= gettextcode("FSB (Frontsidebus)","in MHz","ocing[fsb]",$comp[fsb]); $formdata .= gettextcode("RAM Voltage (VMem)","in volts","ocing[vmem]",$comp[vmem]); $formdata .= gettextcode("Graphic Chip","in MHz","ocing[graka_gpu]",$comp[graka_gpu]); $formdata .= gettextcode("Graphic Memory","in MHz","ocing[graka_mem]",$comp[graka_mem]); $formdata .= gettextcode("FSB (Frontsidebus)","in mhz","ocing[fsb]",$comp[fsb]); $formdata .= getchoosercode ("Cooling","ocing[coolid]","cpudb_cool",$comp[coolid],"",0,"coolid"); $formdata .= gettextcode("Comments","","ocing[ccomment]", $comp[ccomment]); /* if(!$comp[isbase] && $comp[ocingid]) $formdata .= " Delete?
To delete this Clocking, check the box to the left and then click the button to the right.
Note: deleting this clocking will result in the deletion of the entire benchmarking information.
"; */ $formdata .= gethiddencode("benchid",$benchid); $formdata .= getlabelcode("Benchmark"); $formdata .= getchoosercode ("Benchmark","bench[benchesid]","cpudb_benches",$comp[benchesid],"",0,"benchesid"); $formdata .= getinputcode("Result","Result of your Benchmark","bench[result]", $comp[result]); $formdata .= gettextareacode ("Comments","bench[comment]", $comp[comment]); // option: if($comp[benchid]) $formdata .= " Delete?
To delete this Benchmark, check the box to the left and then click the button to the right.
"; eval("dooutput(\"".gettemplate("cpudb_editbench")."\");"); } if($action == "doeditbench") { if(! $bbuserinfo[userid]>0) { show_nopermission(); exit; } $bench = $_POST[bench]; $benchid = intval($benchid); // strip html foreach ($bench as $key => $_) { $bench[$key] = htmlentities($_); } $bench[result] = str_replace(",",".",$bench[result]); $bench[result] = str_replace(":",".",$bench[result]); ///// insert ocing if($benchid>0) //// EDIT { $benchid = intval($benchid); $comp_ = $DB_site->query_first("select benchid from cpudb_bench left join cpudb_ocing using(ocingid) left join cpudb_comp using(compid) where benchid = $benchid and (userid = $bbuserinfo[userid] or $bbuserinfo[usergroupid] = 6)"); if($comp_[benchid] == $benchid) $DB_site->query("UPDATE cpudb_bench SET benchesid = '$bench[benchesid]', result='$bench[result]', comment='$bench[comment]' where benchid = $benchid"); else show_nopermission(); } else //// INSERT { $ocingid = intval($ocingid); if($ocingid >0) $DB_site->query("INSERT into cpudb_bench (benchid, benchesid, result, comment, ocingid) VALUES (NULL, '$bench[benchesid]', '$bench[result]', '$bench[comment]', $ocingid)"); else show_nopermission(); } // Update cache for mainpage $benches = $DB_site->query_first("select * from cpudb_benches where benchesid = $bench[benchesid]"); $DB_site->query("replace into cpudb_cache select benchid,cpudb_benches.benchesid, cpudb_benches.title as benchestitle, cpudb_bench.ocingid, result, cpudb_bench.comment, cpudb_ocing.compid, coolid, mhz, fsb, vcore, ram, cpudb_comp.title, cpu_brand, cpu_family, cpu_stepping, username from cpudb_comp left join user using(userid) left join cpudb_ocing on (cpudb_comp.compid = cpudb_ocing.compid) left join cpudb_bench using(ocingid) left join cpudb_benches on (cpudb_benches.benchesid = cpudb_bench.benchesid) where cpudb_bench.benchesid = $benches[benchesid] order by result ".(($benches[sdesc]) ? "DESC":"")." LIMIT 1"); standardredirect("Edit complete - you are now taken to the Stats page","cpudb.php?ocingid=$ocingid"); } /*********** COMP & CLOCKING **********************/ if(($_POST[deletecomp] == "yes" || $_POST[deleteocing] == "yes") && $SUBMIT == "Delete Now") { $action = ""; if(! $bbuserinfo[userid]>0) { show_nopermission(); exit; } if(isset($compid) && $deletecomp == "yes") { $compid = intval($compid); $comp_ = $DB_site->query_first("select * from cpudb_comp where compid = $compid and (userid = $bbuserinfo[userid] or $bbuserinfo[usergroupid] = 6)"); if($comp_[compid] == $compid) { $DB_site->query("DELETE from cpudb_ocing where compid = $compid"); $DB_site->query("DELETE from cpudb_comp where compid = $compid"); } else show_nopermission(); } if(isset($ocingid) && $deleteocing == "yes") { $ocingid = intval($ocingid); $comp_ = $DB_site->query_first("select * from cpudb_ocing left join cpudb_comp using(compid) where ocingid = $ocingid and (userid = $bbuserinfo[userid] or $bbuserinfo[usergroupid] = 6)"); if($comp_[compid] == $compid) { $DB_site->query("DELETE from cpudb_ocing where ocingid = $ocingid"); $DB_site->query("DELETE from cpudb_bench where ocingid = $ocingid"); } else show_nopermission(); } // Update cache for mainpage $DB_site->query("delete from cpudb_cache"); $_ = $DB_site->query("select * from cpudb_benches"); while ($benches = $DB_site->fetch_array($_)) { $DB_site->query("replace into cpudb_cache select benchid,cpudb_benches.benchesid, cpudb_benches.title as benchestitle, cpudb_bench.ocingid, result, cpudb_bench.comment, cpudb_ocing.compid, coolid, mhz, fsb, vcore, ram, cpudb_comp.title, cpu_brand, cpu_family, cpu_stepping, username from cpudb_comp left join user using(userid) left join cpudb_ocing on (cpudb_comp.compid = cpudb_ocing.compid) left join cpudb_bench using(ocingid) left join cpudb_benches on (cpudb_benches.benchesid = cpudb_bench.benchesid) where cpudb_bench.benchesid = $benches[benchesid] order by result ".(($benches[sdesc]) ? "DESC":"")." LIMIT 1"); } standardredirect("Delete complete - you are now taken to the Stats page","cpudb.php"); exit; } if($action == "editcomp") { if(! $bbuserinfo[userid]>0) { show_nopermission(); exit; } // display editcomp if(isset($ocingid)) { $ocingid = intval($ocingid); $comp = $DB_site->query_first("select cpudb_comp.*, cpudb_ocing.* from cpudb_ocing left join cpudb_comp using(compid) where ocingid = $ocingid and (userid = $bbuserinfo[userid] or $bbuserinfo[usergroupid] = 6)"); $compid = $comp[compid]; if($comp[ocingid] == $ocingid) $addedit = "Edit"; else show_nopermission(); } elseif(isset($compid)) { $compid = intval($compid); $comp = $DB_site->query_first("select * from cpudb_comp where compid = $compid and (userid = $bbuserinfo[userid] or $bbuserinfo[usergroupid] = 6)"); if($comp[compid] == $compid) $addedit = "Edit"; else show_nopermission(); } else { $addedit = "New"; } $formdata = ""; $formdata .= gethiddencode("compid",$compid); $formdata .= gethiddencode("s",$session[sessionid]); $formdata .= gethiddencode("action","doeditcomp"); $formdata .= getlabelcode("General Information"); $formdata .= getinputcode("Name of your computer","Many g33ks tend to give their computers names - do you","comp[title]",$comp[title]); $formdata .= getinputcode("Brand of your CPU","Intel, Amd, ...","comp[cpu_brand]",$comp[cpu_brand]); $formdata .= getinputcode("Family of your CPU","e.g. Athlon XP, Pentium 4, ...","comp[cpu_family]",$comp[cpu_family]); $formdata .= getinputcode("Stepping / FPO#","e.g. AXIA (AMD), 3149A787 (Intel)","comp[cpu_stepping]",$comp[cpu_stepping]); $formdata .= getinputcode("Graphics Card","","comp[graka]",$comp[graka]); $formdata .= getinputcode("Motherboard","","comp[mobo]",$comp[mobo]); $formdata .= getinputcode("Power Supply","","comp[netzteil]",$comp[netzteil]); $formdata .= getinputcode("Memory","","comp[ram]",$comp[ram]); list($comp[hidden]) = $DB_site->query_first("select hidden from cpudb_ocing where compid = '$compid' and isbase =1",false); // $formdata .= getyesnocode("Stock Speed is Disabled","Set this to yes if you don't use your computer at stock speed.","ocing[hidden]",!$hidden); $formdata .= getyesnocode("Show Stock and O/C-Settings as seperate entries","Set this to no if you don't use your computer at stock speed.","ocing[hidden]",!$comp[hidden]); if($compid) $formdata .= " Delete?
To delete this Computer, check the box to the left and then click the button to the right.
Note: deleting this post will result in the deletion of the entire thread if this post is the first post in the thread.
"; $formdata .= gethiddencode("ocingid",$ocingid); if(($comp[ocingid] >0 && $comp[isbase]==0) || $ocingid == "" && $compid) $formdata .= getlabelcode("Overclocking"); else $formdata .= getlabelcode("Stock Speed"); $formdata .= getinputcode("Clock Speed","in MHz","ocing[mhz]",$comp[mhz]); $formdata .= getinputcode("Voltage (VCore)","in volts","ocing[vcore]",$comp[vcore]); $formdata .= getinputcode("FSB (Frontsidebus)","in mhz","ocing[fsb]",$comp[fsb]); $formdata .= getinputcode("RAM Voltage (VMem)","in volts","ocing[vmem]",$comp[vmem]); $formdata .= getinputcode("Graphic Chip","in MHz","ocing[graka_gpu]",$comp[graka_gpu]); $formdata .= getinputcode("Graphic Memory","in MHz","ocing[graka_mem]",$comp[graka_mem]); $formdata .= getchoosercode ("Cooling","ocing[coolid]","cpudb_cool",$comp[coolid],"",0,"coolid"); $formdata .= gettextareacode ("Comments","ocing[comment]", $comp[comment]); if(!$comp[isbase] && $comp[ocingid]) $formdata .= " Delete?
To delete this Clocking, check the box to the left and then click the button to the right.
Note: deleting this post will result in the deletion of the entire thread if this post is the first post in the thread.
"; else // can't delete, so it must be an non-overclocked cpu { $formdata .= getlabelcode("Overclocking"); $formdata .= getyesnocode("Is overclocked","Select yes if this Computer is overclocked and fill in the Fields below","ocing2[isoced]","0"); $formdata .= getinputcode("Clock Speed","in MHz","ocing2[mhz]",""); $formdata .= getinputcode("Voltage (VCore)","in volts","ocing2[vcore]",""); $formdata .= getinputcode("FSB (Frontsidebus)","in mhz","ocing2[fsb]",""); $formdata .= getinputcode("RAM Voltage (VMem)","in volts","ocing2[vmem]",""); $formdata .= getinputcode("Graphic Chip","in MHz","ocing2[graka_gpu]",""); $formdata .= getinputcode("Graphic Memory","in MHz","ocing2[graka_mem]",""); $formdata .= getchoosercode ("Cooling","ocing2[coolid]","cpudb_cool",1,"",0,"coolid"); $formdata .= gettextareacode ("Comments","ocing2[comment]", ""); } eval("dooutput(\"".gettemplate("cpudb_editcomp")."\");"); } if($action == "doeditcomp") { if(! $bbuserinfo[userid]>0) { show_nopermission(); exit; } $comp = $_POST[comp]; $ocing2 = $_POST[ocing2]; $compid = intval($compid); // strip html foreach ($comp as $key => $_) { $comp[$key] = htmlentities($_); } foreach ($ocing as $key => $_) { $ocing[$key] = htmlentities($_); } $isbase =0; if($compid>0) //// EDIT { $comp_ = $DB_site->query_first("select * from cpudb_comp where compid = $compid and (userid = $bbuserinfo[userid] or $bbuserinfo[usergroupid] = 6)"); if($comp_[compid] == $compid) $DB_site->query("UPDATE cpudb_comp SET title = '$comp[title]', cpu_brand = '$comp[cpu_brand]', cpu_family = '$comp[cpu_family]', cpu_stepping = '$comp[cpu_stepping]', graka = '$comp[graka]', mobo= '$comp[mobo]', netzteil='$comp[netzteil]', ram='$comp[ram]' where compid=$compid"); else show_nopermission(); } else //// INSERT { $DB_site->query("INSERT into cpudb_comp (compid, userid, title, cpu_brand, cpu_family, cpu_stepping, graka, mobo,netzteil,ram) VALUES (NULL, $bbuserinfo[userid], '$comp[title]','$comp[cpu_brand]','$comp[cpu_family]','$comp[cpu_stepping]', '$comp[graka]', '$comp[mobo]', '$comp[netzteil]','$comp[ram]')"); $compid = $DB_site->insert_id(); $isbase = 1; } $ocing[mhz] = str_replace(",",".",$ocing[mhz]); $ocing[fsb] = str_replace(",",".",$ocing[fsb]); $ocing[vcore] = str_replace(",",".",$ocing[vcore]); $ocing[vmem] = str_replace(",",".",$ocing[vmem]); ///// insert ocing if($ocingid>0) //// EDIT { $ocingid = intval($ocingid); $comp_ = $DB_site->query_first("select * from cpudb_ocing left join cpudb_comp using(compid) where ocingid = $ocingid and (userid = $bbuserinfo[userid] or $bbuserinfo[usergroupid] = 6)"); if($comp_[compid] == $compid) $DB_site->query("UPDATE cpudb_ocing SET mhz = '$ocing[mhz]', fsb= '$ocing[fsb]', vcore= '$ocing[vcore]', comment= '$ocing[comment]', coolid='$ocing[coolid]',graka_gpu='$ocing[graka_gpu]',graka_mem='$ocing[graka_mem]',vmem='$ocing[vmem]' where ocingid = $ocingid"); else show_nopermission(); } else //// INSERT { $DB_site->query("INSERT into cpudb_ocing (ocingid, compid, mhz, fsb, vcore, comment, coolid, isbase, graka_gpu, graka_mem,vmem) VALUES (NULL, $compid, '$ocing[mhz]','$ocing[fsb]','$ocing[vcore]','$ocing[comment]', '$ocing[coolid]', $isbase, '$ocing[graka_gpu]','$ocing[graka_mem]','$ocing[vmem]')"); $ocingid = $DB_site->insert_id(); } // insert ocing2 :eek: if(isset($ocing2)) foreach ($ocing2 as $key => $_) { $ocing2[$key] = htmlentities($_); } $ocing2[mhz] = str_replace(",",".",$ocing2[mhz]); $ocing2[fsb] = str_replace(",",".",$ocing2[fsb]); $ocing2[vcore] = str_replace(",",".",$ocing2[vcore]); $ocing2[vmem] = str_replace(",",".",$ocing2[vmem]); $ocing2[mhz] = str_replace(":",".",$ocing2[mhz]); $ocing2[fsb] = str_replace(":",".",$ocing2[fsb]); $ocing2[vcore] = str_replace(":",".",$ocing2[vcore]); $ocing2[vmem] = str_replace(":",".",$ocing2[vmem]); if($compid>0 && $ocing2[isoced] == "1") { $DB_site->query("INSERT into cpudb_ocing (ocingid, compid, mhz, fsb, vcore, comment, coolid, isbase, graka_gpu, graka_mem,vmem) VALUES (NULL, $compid, '$ocing2[mhz]','$ocing2[fsb]','$ocing2[vcore]','$ocing2[comment]', '$ocing2[coolid]', 0, '$ocing2[graka_gpu]','$ocing2[graka_mem]','$ocing2[vmem]')"); $ocingid = $DB_site->insert_id(); } // do base hiding // echo "$ocinghidden - ".!$hidden; exit; // // if($hidden !="") // { list($count) = $DB_site->query_first("select count(*) from cpudb_ocing where isbase = 0 and compid= '$compid'",false); if($count <1) $ocing[hidden] =1; $DB_site->query("UPDATE cpudb_ocing set hidden = '".!$ocing[hidden]."' where isbase=1 and compid='$compid'"); standardredirect("Edit complete - you are now taken to the Stats page","cpudb.php?ocingid=$ocingid"); } ?>