Duke Nukem Forever wird zum Mythos - Seite 17

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Hansmaulwurf schrieb am 07.05.2009 um 11:37

dosen schrieb am 07.05.2009 um 11:48

Nö... 3d Realms seite ist tot.

Kann es mir nicht vorstellen. Wäre wirtschaftlich gesehen einfach nur blöd. Zumindest den Verlust ein bischen verkleinern und releasen.

Das es nichts gegeben hat kann ich mir nicht vorstellen - das alle in einer Firma dicht halten ist unmöglich bei so einen mythos.

InfiX schrieb am 07.05.2009 um 12:11

bitte was?! o_O

mein weltbild bricht zusammen :(

MadDoc schrieb am 07.05.2009 um 12:17


Hansmaulwurf schrieb am 07.05.2009 um 12:22

[QUOTE]We all came back the next day (Cliffy in white thankfully, not red). We went around and gave our thoughts on things after having a night to sleep on it. Scott and George wanted to get paperwork signed that day if we were going to attempt it at all. This seemed *way* too soon and I didn’t have a lawyer around to read the contract or anything. I was young, but I had had enough experience by that point to know you don’t sign a contract of any significance without having a lawyer read it. Unfortunately it was made clear that this offer was active only so long as we were all in the room. Once any one of us left it was void and Scott, George, and Mark Rein (the three that put it together) would deny all knowledge. They had never done any discussions of this in written form except the contracts which Scott Miller was holding.

That was pressure… here was this deal where I would be set for life, and if I backed out of it, it would blow the whole thing for both companies and everyone involved. Not only would I be backing out of the opportunity of a lifetime, but I would also be ruined in the industry because those guys have way more power than I do. I wanted to do it, but how do you commit on such short notice and without really knowing what you are signing?

Brandon, Allen, Keith, and I kept hemming and hawing and we could tell we were really causing problems with everyone else in the room. I said that I wanted to do it, but I *had* to have a lawyer review it before I signed it. The fury in the eyes of the guys sitting across from me was literally enough to give me a third degree burn. I have *never* felt that much fear in my life. Well… up to that point at least.

I was told to think about my next words very carefully before giving my final answer. Honestly, I felt this was a test to see how well I would hold up to pressure later when we had to “hold the lie” (the similarity to “hold the line” isn’t on accident), so I held firm and said I really wanted to, but needed to have it reviewed…

oh ****…

Faster than I can even remember (literally… I don’t remember) I was knocked out of my chair by I *think* of all people Tim Sweeney (it was a wooden kitchen chair) and was pinned on the ground by Mike Wilson and Cliffy B (he’s so much stronger than I ever expected). George walks over to my chair and ****ing stomps the shit out of it until the legs are broken off. He casually picks up one of the legs that had split into a shit your pants style point and starts tossing it up and down. Scott and Mark Rein alternate on and off saying that I apparently wasn’t aware how *real* business is done and that if I didn’t want to find out why those two companies had maintained such a strong position in the industry dating back to the shareware days (when it seems people didn’t ask nearly as many questions about why developers appeared, made a game, and then disappeared without a trace)… I had better reconsider my answer.

I do remember the next part very very well though… I will never forget it and I have to admit that I have dreams about it pretty frequently.

Cliffy and Mike pulled me up and shoved my face about 6 inches from the point of the chair leg. I was drenched in sweat (the trailers didn’t have decent AC so it was already hot as hell in there)… and if they had let go of me I would not have been able to stand on my own.

George looked me in the eyes and asked me one more time what I was going to do… so at that point I did what anyone would do…[/QUOTE]

Teh big hoax ???
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Hab ich den Artikel falsch verstanden oder sagt er gerade, dass 3drealms nur noch Hoax war gegen Ende ?

by Channel_F, a previous employee of 3DRealms posted it in shacknews:
[QUOTE]In my best interest, I'm going to be somewhat candid for now. I will, however, elaborate a bit on some things:

The 2001 trailer was 100% scripted cinematic, and not actual gameplay. They built specific demo maps just to record video from to make a trailer. Everything you see in that trailer was phony.

The typical work flow there went something like this:
Designer would be assigned a task (build a new map, rebuild an old map, polish a bit of a map, etc.). Designer would work on said task for two, three weeks, a month, all the while lower management would be looking over it and making sure it was going in a "good general direction." Designer would move on to another task. A month or two later upper management would finally look at the work and say, "It's all wrong, do it again." Rinse, repeat.

Entire maps would be done from the ground up, almost to beta quality, and then thrown out simply because no one would make decisions early on in the process. (Read up on Valve's 'orange box' method of design -- that's how you make games)

Another example of WTF is the fact that there was one part of one map that was being worked on before I started working there. Nineteen months later and the same designer was still working on the same part of that same map... I'm not blaming the designer, it wasn't his fault.

I think the biggest problem that the company had in general is being self-funded. When you're a developer working directly with a publisher and you have milestones to meet it's a whole different ballgame. If you don't meet those milestones, you don't get any money. That right there will keep your project on schedule. If, however, you're funding it yourself, you don't really have anyone to answer to except yourself and you can quickly lose sight of just how much money is going out the door.[/QUOTE]

Spikx schrieb am 07.05.2009 um 13:21

Jössas, da geht's ja ab...

HUJILU schrieb am 07.05.2009 um 13:21

Charlie Wiederhold's story klingt, absolut real.

Hab mir jetzt alles durchgelesen und... wth

Hab ich den Artikel falsch verstanden oder sagt er gerade, dass 3drealms nur noch Hoax war gegen Ende ?
Falsch verstanden ;)

Es ging darum, schon an dem Spiel weiterzuarbeiten, aber solange bis es wirklich THA Game ist, ohne Zeitdruck etc... sogar absichtlich LANGSAM um einen nie dagewesenen Hype zu erzeugen, weil man gesehen hat, dass man bis zu dem Zeitpunkt (2001) machen konnte was man wollte ohne dass der run auf DNF jemals weniger geworden wäre...

und EPIC war daran interessiert, da sich ihre Verkaufszahlen der Engines durch den DNF Hype um einiges gesteigert haben. Solange also eine Cashcow für 3drealms verfügbar war lief alles wie geschmiert... anscheinend...

aber irgendwie, potential für einen Kultfilm hehehe

Bodominjaervi schrieb am 07.05.2009 um 13:27

Zitat von daisho
Jetzt hab ich ein dickes großes W T F auf meiner Stirn stehen. Ich meine ernsthaft ... WTF?
Jetzt ists bei mir soweit!

HUJILU schrieb am 07.05.2009 um 13:41

obs was mit http://www.radargroup.com/ zu tun hat?

Hansmaulwurf schrieb am 07.05.2009 um 13:49

Naja, im Blog behaupten sie das sie nicht verbandelt sind:

fatmike182 schrieb am 07.05.2009 um 13:54

die sollen den source unter einer offenen Lizenz rausgeben; den Rest schreibt schon irgendwer fertig!

Aber die ganze Gschichte hat was...

XeroXs schrieb am 07.05.2009 um 13:55


blood schrieb am 07.05.2009 um 14:11

hab ich das richtig verstanden? das spiel wurde absichtlich nicht fertig gestellt, aufgrund irgendeines vertrages mit wem? O_o

hynk schrieb am 07.05.2009 um 14:16

ich leg mich wieder schlafen :(

prayerslayer schrieb am 07.05.2009 um 14:23

ich hab grad echt mitleid mit euch...

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