My Best Friend's Birthday

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bigjesus schrieb am 21.05.2004 um 00:53

hat diesen film jemand gesehen ?
dürfte mit "true romance" zusammenhängen..
I'd fuck Elvis, der name clarence, etc.

grOOvekill@ schrieb am 21.05.2004 um 08:47

Naja.. das hier steht bei den Comments in der imdb:

To those who wonder how I discovered My Best Friend's Birthday (much like with Kevin Smith's student film I reviewed), I found this video on ebay, and it was definitely worth the money despite the deteriorated quality of the copy. This is filmmaker Quentin Tarantino's first independently funded film, and from what was assembled (the film wasn't completed and this can be seen since a couple of plot points are left un-answered at the end of 40 minutes) I can tell that it was one of those well-intentioned (if slight) signs-of-things-to-come.

Clarence Pool (Tarantino, with a full-on "Elvis Man" look) is a disc jockey at K-BILLY Radio (Reservoir Dogs' music conductor in a sense), and is planning to give his friend Micky Burnett (co-writer Craig Hamann) a call-girl for his birthday party (a story later re-used for True Romance). This is used as more of a signpost for the film to follow as the characters, in particular Clarence, go off on riffs of Dialog - the "I'd f*** Elvis" speech is in its first revelation - and it's often very funny. Even a kung-fu fight between Mickey and the call girl's pimp (Al Harrell) is executed with the similar sense of dark hilarity that has made Tarantino the pro he is now. Truth be told, the film isn't without its shortcomings for a budget of so little, and a couple of the scenes really don't work at all. Yet for what it's worth it's a small ruby of underground cinema. Grade: B+

Sagt eigentlich eh alles, denke ich, oder? :)

bigjesus schrieb am 21.05.2004 um 15:23

ja sagt einiges. trotzdem scheint "my best friend's birthday" ein "echter" tarantino film zu sein :)

wollte wissen ob ihn jemand gesehen hat. ob er weiter zu empfehlen ist, ob er mit den bekannten tarantino filmen vergleichbar ist etc. v4.thecommunity
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