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Touchscreen - Multi touch sensing display

Krabbenkoenig 09.02.2006 - 12:40 1638 5 Thread rating


Managing the unmanageable
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When we first saw "interactive touch-screen display" in the tips jar, it made us think of playing MegaTouch 9000 at a seedy bar and we were about to toss it in the ol' recycling bin. Then we decided to give the linked vid a look, and discovered that NYU's Multi-Touch Sensing through Frustrated Total Internal Reflection Display (1. We swear that's what it's really called, and 2. Can any marketing majors out there please give these guys a hand?) is way cooler than Trivia Whiz or Photo Hunt. Using a rear-projector that throws an image onto a screen similar in composition to fingerprint scanners, Jeff Han and his team at the Media Research Laboratory have built a scalable system that allows multiple points of input by one or more users (think: digital conference table). Some of the stuff they do in the video is wild, such as two-handed scratching of digital turntables, and future iterations of the project will attempt finger-specific recognition for an even higher degree of flexibility

video (11mb)

Kombiniert mit transparenten OLEDs kann ich nur sagen "Minority report wir kommen!" :D
Bearbeitet von Krabbenkoenig am 09.02.2006, 12:43


frecher fratz
Registered: Feb 2001
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auuuuuu rofl jetzt sehen die leute die nen laptop für 2010 entwerfen mussten alt aus in der fh. die haben alle bis auf einen noch ein "display" eingebaut rofl


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Risen from the banned
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that's sooo coool...


OC Addicted
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Ich weis nicht genau obs der thread ist aber egal, sollte man gesehen haben http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZrr7AZ9nCY


24/7 Santa Claus
Registered: Apr 2004
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Zitat von Marcellus
Ich weis nicht genau obs der thread ist aber egal, sollte man gesehen haben http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZrr7AZ9nCY
lol :D wie sie auf apple los gehen
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