"Christmas - the time to fix the computers of your loved ones" « Lord Wyrm

User Profile for GrandAdmiralThrawn

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XP Nazi

[Hard:Overclock (Mirror)]-[XIN]-[The GAT @ XIN.at (weblog)]-[Zenit/XIN.AT Homeserverprojekt]

  • QOTY: Girls Love, BEST Love; 2018 - Lo and behold, for it is the third Coming; The third great Year of Yuri, citric as it may be! Edit: 2019 wasn't too bad either...

User Information
Overclocker Since N/A
Date Registered 20.08.2000
Total Posts 3696 (0.42 posts per day)
Last Post GTK 3 und neuer: Window Decorations programmspezifisch entfernen? am 12.12.2024 um 11:43
Contact GrandAdmiralThrawn Click here to email GrandAdmiralThrawn | Send GrandAdmiralThrawn a Private Message!
Website http://wp.xin.at
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Biography Na.
Location BRUCK!
Interests Exotische Systeme
Occupation System- und Netzwerkadministrator
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